Turtle - Macquarie Short Neck - Complete Wildlife Register

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  • Regular price $135.00
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Also known as the Macquarie turtle or Murray short-necked turtle, this turtle can grow to about 30cm in length. The male has a much fatter and longer tail than the female. There are two fleshy barbels under its chin. The shell is predominantly medium to dark brown above, cream coloured below. The skin is greyish and there is a distinctive creamy-yellow stripe running back along the side of the head from the corner of the mouth. The eyes are small and yellow with a round black pupil. It is restricted to the Murray-Darling River system in southeastern Australia, inhabiting larger rivers and permanent lakes in this region.
Although we do our best, the sex of any animal is not guaranteed.
If your animal is not acceptable because of health or other reasons that are supported by a statement from a veterinarian, excluding accidents, within seven days of purchase, pet shop proprietors must take the animal back and refund all monies or offer a replacement animal with the same guarantee.
If the animal is returned within three days for any other reason, the pet shop must refund 75% of the purchase price or offer a replacement animal with the same guarantee.
If the animal dies or is euthanized as a result of a disease that is traceable to the point of sale, the pet shop proprietor must refund the purchase price or offer a replacement animal with the same guarantee.
Pet shops are required to display the guarantee outlined above in a prominent position on a wall of the shop.
The Pet Shop Proprietor is not liable for any Veterinary charge that has not been agreed to previously and the Pet Shop Proprietor will consult with a Vet of their choosing.