Dogit Go Slow Anti Gulping Black 600ml

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You've tried all the tricks in the book to get your dog to eat slower but they are still hoovering up their food. The Dogit Go Slow bowl is here to help.

From a young age, pups are naturally ravenous. They will push to get the most food and even when they're alone they will still try and scoff their food to make sure nobody else in the litter gets any. Dogit have created this bowl for anti-gulping and will train your dog to eat at a reasonable pace.

The inverted contours in the bowl encourage your dog to eat and drink at a much slower pace. Because their food isn't clumped together, they need to spend a little more time accessing the food within the crevaces of the bowl. This will reduce excess air intake and lower the risk of bloating. A fantastic solution for dogs who are eating too quickly. The bowl comes in a neutral black colour and will be the answer you've been looking for.

Best of all it is suitable for wet and dry food. Dishwasher safe for added convenience.